Friday, June 26, 2009

Holding my own art exhibition

Now this one is slightly tricky - I love to paint but I'm not sure if its worth holding an exhibition of what I paint. Plus after marriage the beautiful creative side of me is just dying... but I do wish to have an exhibition one day


I did not put 'learn' to drive because I have had formal lessons in driving, got a license as well, yet the fear on the road just doesn't go away. I have to overcome it so that I can freely and confidently drive on the road. Not knowing how to drive is a big deterrent to doing a lot of other things. Can't even visit my parents unless I have someone to drive me to their place (not allowed to take a cab alone as cabs are not considered safe for girls traveling alone)

Learning to swim

Yes first on my list is swimming. I am turning 30 pretty soon and yet I have never learnt to swim. My heart simply seems to stop under water. But, I want to learn to swim before I die. And this is the first thing I have actually made an attempt to achieve. I can float (holding the side bar) for about 23secs. I wont say I can swim but I am moving towards this goal. Hopefully one day I'll come back and edit this post and mark it done.

Things to do before I die

Life is not short but we waste most of it away. We have dreams and aspirations but we lack the inclination to make them come true. This is where I am going to jot down all the things I wish to do in life, things that I want to do before I die....